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My name Lucy ,45 old . living San Jose, my body very frail, High blood pressure, take ZiZhupill six months , blood pressure is normal and have one baby, my family very happy.
I’m Kim, live in Cerritos California, family will 2 kids and as a full time working mom.
I started to take “ZiZhu” in 2004 “ZiZhu” keeps me less headache and helps me to have a good sleep through the night and not to use restroom which was the 2 major problems bothered me the most daily in the past.
I personally get benefit from it as it improves the quality of my life. I believe these are more benefits working on me which I don’t know.
I trust “ZiZhu” because it’s made from natural herbs and is made in U.S.A. as well.
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台湾“中央社”报道,“环保署”2日表示,台南、高雄多数地区细悬浮微粒(PM2.5)浓度都达红色警戒范围,高雄复兴甚至达到“紫爆”等级,元旦假期出游切记戴口罩,敏感族应避免外出。 “环境保护署”空气质量监测网每天发布全台各地区空气质量预报,空气污染指针超过101,即为红色“不良”等级,细悬浮微粒(PM2.5)指标达到7以上,浓度就属于高等级。 “环保署”2日表示,云嘉南(云林、嘉义、台南)及高屏(高雄、屏东)地区由于大气扩散不佳,PM2.5浓度飙高,多数地区PM2.5都达中、高级以上。 其中,高雄复兴PM2.5达到“紫爆”等级,空气质量差;台南、善化、安南以及高雄桥头、大寮、林园、左营、前金、前镇、小港等地区则达红色警戒范围。 “环保署”建议,民众外出切记戴口罩,敏感族群、老年人以及有心脏、呼吸道、心血管疾病患者,应减少外出。